Friday, January 21, 2011


Today we went to the Greenwood Library. I had never been, But Tanya from MOPS suggested I go because their Children's section is so big and it is seperate from the rest of the library. It was pretty neat..too bad I am just now discovering it. Out MOPS friends were all there Soph got to visit with them for a bit. After they left she was having too much fun, so we stayed another hour or so. They had this giant igloo hut thing made out of alot of empty milk cartons. We took some books and read in side the "mountain" as she called it. She liked the little kids computers..and the dress up clothes. On our way home she said thanks for taking me ibary mom. I thought that was so cute. We came home for naps. Soph did not want to because she would "miss me so much". She adds the words so much to things..i love you so much, I miss so and so, so much. Where she gets this stuff I do not know. She just knows things.

We didn't do too much tonight since we have had a busy couple days. So we just did our regular playing in the toy room, hanging out on the potty and drinking of chockie milk. On a sad of my favorite shows Medium had its season finale tonight..I cried like a 2 year old being denied candy..I will miss that show..and if House goes...well that will not be has been my all time favorite..other than Star Trek Next Gen. I am out of fuel and am off to bed. I am 34 tomorrow and feel more like 64. So 9:00 seems to be the new bedtime.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday we had a pretty busy day. Mops in the morning. Soph did well when I dropped her tears. She watched Caillou on Sprout, so I told her we were going to "playschool" like him! After MOPS we ran over to the Franklin Rd. Library to hang with Lili and Peyton, and while those three played, Traci and I got to actually talk. We came home and ate lunch and had a nap. When Soph got up from her nap we read some of the books we got.She likes to "read" me stories. She starts out by showing me the cover, and saying "This story is called..Humpty Dumpty had a great fall." This is the name she uses alot, even though those are not the books actual titles or theme! She will take a look inside sometimes, and depending on what picture she sees first..that will end up in the title.
Today.we met Amy for lunch at Paradise. Their Asian Chicken Salad salad rocks! Soph had PB&J, Yogi and chockie milk..this is how she says yogurt and chocolate milk. Her latest thing to say after a question is "shall we?" She has been very funny lately with her little sayings. I have no idea where she gets this stuff at. We had a pretty low key evening since the last two days were busy. We played kitchen and blocks and colored. Peed and pooped. Which mostly consisted of Soph sitting on the toilet reading Bear Snores on and the Belly Button Book. 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I hate fireworks, especially when I have a 2 year old sleeping.   ok, this week has went down very well. We went to the school playground and or swimming almost every day.She likes to put on her little sunglasses and wear them around outside, it's pretty cute!

 I took Soph to the Children's Museum also. We have craft time for about an hour each night before bed. She likes me to roll out Play Doh flat so she can use my cookie cutters to make shapes! We have made paintings and all kinds of cute stuff!  She is very imaginative! 

Soph is getting good at dressing herself and putting her shoes on by herself. She sits on her little potty alot.  She likes that she can tear her own little toilet paper squares off the roll and says...goodbye poopie when she flushes.  it is so funny. she got a new hello kitty toothbrush and hello kitty bubblegum toothpaste, so about 4 times a day she decides to get her little step stool out and get her little dixi cup and brush away!  I get summoned to the bathroom to a little voice saying brush brush  let's go! That's my cue to get her little supplies from her bathroom cabinet.

Every other week at the library we have been going to a toddler class where they sit at little tables and little chairs together and work on projects, art type things and they get to stand up and show "the class" their creations. Soph, of course works the room and has to show everyone individually.  We signed her up for the summer reading program there where she gets points on a punch card for the books we read to her, so every couple days I take her there and she carries her books and little punch card up to the table. Then depending on the amount of books she gets to pick a little prize. This time is was one of those koosh balls with a frog body. She calls it a squishy. She has this little Elmo tote she brings every where with all her little things in bottles, crayons, squishy, extra paci, her juice, some paper, sunglasss and whatever else she picks that day. Its funny as we are walking out the door she has her shades on and her tote over her shoulder....just like me! I have pictures but they are taking forever to up load, so check back.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I am in the process of catching up my blog after weeks of neglect. It is a good thing I keep a written calendar of events to review. This afternoon while David and Sophie napped I went over to see my best friend Amy.  I go over there at least once a week, sometimes twice to have some girl time. We went to get manicures and have lunch. This has been a weekly event. We also headed over to the mall to look for some shoes for her because she has like 3 weddings to go to this month. I picked her out 3 pairs. They were super cute. I hope she gets tired of them after one wear so I can have them. We both have the same shoe size. She buys stuff and decides she doesn't want it and doesn't want to hassle w returning it, so I reap the rewards!  I have accumulated LOTS of stuff lately from shoes to Clinique to Iced tea maker, books she bought duplicates of. 
When I got home we went to Five Guys to eat dinner.  I just had a craving for a little mushroom cheeseburger!  Soph loves their fries. She wanted to see the doggies at Petsmart. So we walked next door and she pulled me by the hand through the store hunting down doggies to see and the kitties in their cages. She likes looking at the fish and turtles. Fish...ok, but turtles?  They don't really move. She likes him. After she made her rounds in the pet store I asked her if she wanted to go swimming.  She said yes mommie, let's go swimming, this way! (to the car)  She kept saying grandpa, I guess she thought we were going swimming at his house. We walked to the pool and she was looking for him :(   She still had fun though. We swam for about an hour or so, then it was about time for her bath and bedtime t.v. show. She likes to watch Kipper the dog and Caillou on PBS which comes on as part of the night time sprout  good night show with Nina and Star. Stay tuned for pictures.  I am trying to get this blog up to date since it has been a little stressful and tiring here since Sophs ordeal. I really just wanted to zone out after she goes to bed.  i am feeling much better these days though

Friday, May 28, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Children's Museum

Yesterday I picked up my cousin Jo to go with us to the Children's Museum. We had so much fun. Jo is really good with Soph, and Soph really likes her! She was a great help keeping Soph engaged in all of the exhibits. We went to Playscape first. Soph enjoyed showing Jo all of her favorite things there. Then we had lunch. After that we went to see Bob the Builder and ran into Soph's little friend Mellanie and her mom Angie from Gymboree. We got to see her new baby boy Joey.
Today we went over to Mary Bryan Elementary to play on the playground there. Soph had a good time scooping things into her little bucket. After that we went over to Ritters to get a delicious ice cream treat. Picutres are uploading...slowly. Stay tuned for those

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Today I had the delight of going grocery shopping by myself. It was so nice to just be able to actually stop to look at my options instead of just doing a drive by and grabbing the first thing that resembles what I need. We spent alot of time organizing Tooties play room. I re-arranged her room so there appear to be more space. I wanted to put her toddler bed in it's rightful place. I put up her tree and owl decals on the wall and organized all her little outfits by color. We ate dinner about 5:30. We had the always delicious spaghetti. Soph had spag also and buttery corn niblets and toast. I made no-bake cookies while Soph and daddy watched Kipper.  She says it all British too like they do.  Mommieeee Kippah!  Watch Kippah! and Kippers friend the scotty dog is names Tiger (Tigah). It's pretty funny to hear her say it both ways. We didn't go anywhere today because David is still being a big baby about his upset tummy....which he has had for 3 days. I am pretty sure if he can keep down a greasy McDonald's Fish sandwich, large fries and whatever else he got, he is just fine. I think it had something to do with my list of things I wanted to get done around here. Soph had her bath with her added demand of brushing her teeth while in the tub. She has be get out her little baby doll hand mirror to hold up while she brushes. She brushes then smiles at herself in the mirror, then brushes and so on. Her nightly bath/brush ritual is pretty extensive. She is the cleanest toddler I know! She smelled delightful tonight with her new mango hair shampoo and her very berry body wash. We had a little tea party before bed. Soph got to sample a cookie with her milk. She placed pieces of it on her little saucers and handed David and I each a cup and little plate and poured out tea. Then she got out the little sugar bowel and scooped some sugar in our tea. She is such a good little hostess! She read through her elmo potty book and off to bed.